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  • Writer's pictureKyle Hjelmeseth

Go BIG with micro.

Yes, you know it! We’re talking micro again and why they’re a great solution. In our previous post about micro-influencers, we talk about how micro-influencers are able to create, manage and speak directly to communities. They have the tendency to create a specific niche that will benefit your brand by being able to showcase your products.

The key with micro influencers will always be that they are able to create within their own followers/community. You don’t need the big show of an A List celebrity, posing with a gazillion followers worldwide, especially if your brand is a local business.

If you want to know why micro-influencers are important and effective here are four key advantages of working with them in your influencer marketing strategy:

Micro-Influencers have more credibility – they’re knowledgeable and passionate about the specific niche that they cover, and because of this, they are seen as experts and trusted sources of information.

Micro-Influencers get higher engagement – the content that micro-influencers produce resonates with their audience because they are relatable. Studies show that as follower count increases, engagement rates decrease.

Micro-Influencers have greater authenticity – because they are genuinely interested in their niche, micro-influencers produce content that is more personalized and authentic.

Micro-Influencers are more cost-effective – micro-influencers are more affordable than celebrities or mega-influencers with millions of followers.





According to Shane Barker, a digital marketing consultant who specializes in sales funnels, targeted traffic, and website conversions, there are some great advantages and benefits of social influencer marketing you need to know:

Social Influencer Marketing is not pushy.

Social Influencer Marketing is credible.

Social Influencer Marketing allows niche targeting.

Social Influencer Marketing boosts SEO.

Social Influencer Marketing provides value.

Social Influencer Marketing isn’t costly.

Social Influencer Marketing generates relevant leads.

Social Influencer Marketing drives conversions.

Social Influencer Marketing aids content strategy.

Given the success derived from Social Influencer Marketing, most companies nowadays set aside dedicated budgets for it. As with all marketing strategies, you cannot hope to start seeing results overnight. However, selecting the right influencer and creating an effective campaign can be a game changer for your business.

The greatest thing the #GNBFamily can offer to your campaign and brand is the variety and multiple personalities that are part of our group. From stylish fashionistas to world travelers, you name it, we have it. It’s all about knowing your essence and applying it to the right influencer. At the very end, that’s what we do, influence.

The good thing is that we can offer you real talk, with real numbers. God & Beauty has partnered with Sociologee to provide the most scientific, aka data-driven and legit micro-influencers to our brand and agency partners. Using the Sociologee Score ranking system we can cut through the noise and find the best partners for your social media campaigns. From foodies yet to be discovered in Los Angeles to the up-next talent on the streets of Amsterdam, Sociologee helps you get the best influence quickly.

Why? We need our #GNBFamily to be able to represent with numbers and real scores in order for us to make you believe you made the greatest decision by getting into the game with us. Sure, everyone may claim their the best in influencer marketing, but how many can truly back it up with real data.

Data driven towards your strategy and goals. We can promise you, yes, but also have fully understandable data to prove our promises, promises that will evolve into strategies that will become our goals to deliver to you. No magic tricks, no silly charts with trivial info. Facts are facts and we sure will have some to represent our campaigns.

Still having some doubts? Let’s get in touch! We would love to have a chat about your brand, your thoughts, your goals. We surely will transform your ideas into strategies and introduce them to a whole new world, because yes, we can show you the world! Join this adventure called Influencer Marketing. Don’t think about it, don’t even take an extra second and hit that contact us button. Let’s create some magic!

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