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  • Writer's pictureKyle Hjelmeseth

REFLECTION: New Instagram Live Streaming Features

Source: AdAge

What You Need to Know:

Instagram is testing a new live feature that allows person to person live chat, as well as a dual screen live stream.

This opens doors for debates, easier Q&As, and bring an easier way two influencers to one live stream.

Instagram is taking further steps to leave Snapchat further in the dust. You can read more of their battle for users here.

“For advertisers, it’s a great way to reach a younger audience that doesn’t general pay attention to traditional advertising.” – Gil Eyal, CEO of Hypr

Photo Courtsey of Pretty Little Fawn

The Rest

Instagram is in the works of launching a multiuser live streaming option for their Instagram Stories. Since the launch of Instagram stories, they’ve set themselves apart from other story apps such as Snapchat and Periscope. With the slow roll out, influencers will be able to now bring a much more creative approach to Instagram Stories. Instead of one influencer being the sole presenter in a live stream, now they can incorporate more guests and other influencers into their stream. This allows for more interaction and cross pollination between brands and influencers. Both users’ followers will be alerted and invited to see the stream, allowing for both parties to grow and get spotlighted.

Instagram has set itself apart when it comes to marketing to millennials with non-traditional means. As Gil Eyal, CEO of Hypr, says: “For advertisers, it’s a great way to reach a younger audience that doesn’t general pay attention to traditional advertising.” With the introduction to more live streaming options, users are getting up close and personal interactions with brands. Many brands have found it to be hard to get users who follow influencers to want to follow their brand page, but with this update it can help bridge those fans in an easier way.

Moral of the Story

Bring your brand into live streams! Influencers can bring together two audiences within live streaming. As this rolls out to more users it will be easier to directly speak to your audience and grow the lifestyle of your brand. This can breathe life into campaigns and spark new creative ways to do campaigns and events. Partnering with influencers brings great value to your brand’s public awareness, especially when they can bring your brand into the conversation.

Little Tip from the Top

Bringing innovation is going to be the most important part of live streaming. Influencers use live stream to interact with their fans, but now it is incredibly more personal. “My guess is initially it’s going to be people having conversations in public,” Eyal said. “Two influencers debating a topic, reviewing a product. It’ll resemble the talk show model as opposed to really creative stuff.”

Being innovative will set your brand and influencer apart from other live streams, so partnerships are going to depend on each other for creative ideas. Luckily, God & Beauty influencers have experience with bringing exciting ideas to their Instagram Stories. Contact us below to get in touch about how we can bring live streaming to your brand!

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